10 Signs you Shouldn’t Apply to a Craft Show

Before you apply to craft shows, it’s important to realize that not all events are worth applying to.

Several factors go into producing a good craft show, so just because an organizer lacks an element below doesn’t mean the show won’t be great. However, if several areas are waving a red flag, it may be an indication that it’s not a good craft show to apply to.


1) Craft show rules & terms have a negative vibe

Organizers need to have rules in place to ensure vendors are committed and will help ensure the event runs smoothly. However, if their terms have a negative vibe and seem outrageous and unaccommodating, it could be a sign of what’s to come.

There’s always a nice way to put things and you don’t want to deal with someone who is snippy or rude (even in written form) when they’re trying to make a customer out of you; how will they treat you once they have your money?


2) The event doesn’t have an online presence

In this day and age, you’re missing out if you don’t have your business online in some way.

Some events are in a small enough town or have been around for years with a big following, that online marketing isn’t as necessary. However, most craft shows will require a website and social media accounts to help spread awareness and get shoppers to the event. 

If an event doesn’t have an online presence (or websites/social media accounts aren’t kept active and current) be sure to inquire as to how they’re going to market the event.


3) There isn’t a good mix of vendors

If they have a website or social media page, you should be able to find which vendors are participating. If the show isn’t juried or you see a lot of MLM vendors on the list (e.g. Tupperware, Mary Kay, etc.), you may end up competing with mass-produced products or several other vendors selling items under the same category as you.

Although it’s likely there will be more than one vendor selling the same category of product (e.g. multiple jewelry vendors), you want to be sure there isn’t too much of an imbalance. A good mix will help ensure the event attracts shoppers and that everyone has a chance to make sales. 


4) The organizer doesn’t seem excited about your participation

Organizers need to be passionate about what they’re selling. You, your products, and your brand are a part of that.

If they aren’t enthusiastic about what you do and aren’t excited that you’re thinking about applying, have applied, or are accepted to the show, it may be reflected in their marketing.

They should be boasting about the vendors that are going to be attending and if they’re not excited, how are they going to get shoppers excited about attending?


5) Other vendors don’t have good things to say about the event

There are bound to be vendors who aren’t happy with a show due to low sales, but that doesn’t mean it’s the organizer’s fault. Their products may not have been a fit for the show, their price point may have been too high for the demographic, their attitude may have been poor, etc.

One or two unhappy vendors don’t define whether a craft show is good or not.

Multiple vendors all having the same complaints is a pretty clear sign that something is off.


6) The organizer isn’t responsive or organized

Craft shows and events take a lot of planning and organization to be successful, so the organizers need to be on the ball. If you’re constantly having to follow up to get an application form or an email answered, put some more thought into whether this is the right show for you.

These are things that are a part of their job, so if they aren’t getting those areas right, there may be other areas that are slipping through the cracks too.


7) The organizer is unwilling/unable to discuss details

If you’re chatting with the craft show organizer before making your decision and they’re unwilling to divulge details (e.g. their marketing plan) or they don’t have clear answers, it may be a sign that they don’t have all their ducks in a row. 

As long as you’re not asking for private information or company secrets, they should be able to tell you basic information that will help you make a decision.

>> Here’s a list of questions to ask an organizer before committing to a craft show


8) Timing and location don’t seem optimal

Planning a craft show on the same weekend as another big event can cause a conflict. Sometimes it can work in the craft show’s favour by piggybacking off of the other event’s crowds or working with the other organizer to cross-promote. But if the event you’re thinking of applying to is on the same weekend as a city festival and in the other direction, it may have low attendance.

The location of the event should also be taken into consideration. It’s a good sign if the location offers free parking, foot traffic, and is easy to get to. If the craft show you’re applying to doesn’t have any of those perks, it may have a hard time attracting lots of shoppers.


9) The event is unknown but fees are high

New events can be great, but generally, when someone is organizing their first show, they start small and keep fees low since they have a learning curve ahead of them.

If you’ve never heard of the organizer (and you’ve been a part of the local craft scene for a while), you can’t find previous events they’ve organized, and they’re going big in terms of venue, vendors, and fees; you may want to see how their first event goes before diving in.

It could turn out to be a great event despite these facts but do your homework on them to be sure they know how to put on a good show, despite never doing it before.


10) The branding is off

If the craft show organizer is telling you it’s going to be a modern and sophisticated event but their logo and posters say otherwise, they may know what they want to deliver but are unsure how to do it.

The event’s logo, website design, marketing material, social media posts, etc. will help attract the right type of shopper. If they’re not on point, or branding is non-existent, the event may not attract the crowd it’s hoping for.



If you’re looking for more hints on what to watch for and the essentials to look for when considering events to join, check out: MAKE MORE MONEY AT CRAFT FAIRS.


You may also be interested in:

10 Signs you Shouldn't Apply to a Craft Show



  1. Eleanor Wells says:

    Having organized many, many craft fairs and other events, I just wanted to say that the event is not just the organizers…it’s yours too.You have a responsibility to promote the event.
    Post it on your website,provide a link, give out promotional flyers everywhere you go.Talk about it at any networking meetings and ask people how else you can make sure people know about it.
    Make up your own invitation with you as the headliner.Put a draw coupon on the bottom of this invitation specifically for your booth.
    Do you have connections with the media?USE THOSE CONNECTIONS. Please make sure the organizer knows so they don’t bother the media twice.
    Turn up on time for setup.This is professional and shows respect.
    Have a successful holiday season $$$

  2. Lea Thomas says:

    Thanks …very useful information.

  3. Gwen Deom says:

    I can’t seem to sign up (it keeps telling me that email Addy or name is wrong?). I alook want to order the book about making more money at craft fairs, but it’s not letting me do that either. Can you help?

  4. Made Urban says:

    Hi Gwen! Sorry about the issues you’ve ran into, we can definitely help get you set up. Could you please email me at info@www.madeurban.com so I can ask a few questions and send you some details?

  5. Robin Bennett says:

    I am coordinator to 2 craft/vendor events a year in our town. I have 75 vendors at each event – makes me sold out of spaces. I appreciate this article! I try my best to make sure the vendor does their best! I put a lot of time in putting the event out there for everyone to see. I provide a flyer but they are sure welcome to make their own advertising themself first. I keep my rules the same so it is so much easier to be ready for each one. I feel more confident in what I am doing after reading this.

  6. Tonya Hall says:

    This is great advice! I just want to add, since this has been an issue locally for us crafters, is to be sure you’re communicating with the correct person! I’ve seen events posted on social media looking for vendors and then scammers jump on and reply to you as if they’re the organizer! (Unfortunately, I’ve seen some of those crafters get scammed out of money, too, because they didn’t realize it was a fraudulent person.)

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