How to Grow your Newsletter at a Craft Show (free printable signup forms)

Product – check, amazing display – check, business cards – check! You’re all set to attract, obtain and keep customers at a craft sale right? Weeeeellll…there’s another important aspect many people forget that should become part of your craft show checklist.

We know selling your product is your first choice. And if they don’t buy today, handing out your business card is your second choice.

But you’re leaving money on the table if you don’t get either of those shoppers to sign up for your newsletter.

When you hand out your business card, you leave a 2nd interaction in their hands. It’s like giving someone you like your number; they hold all the power and all you can do is wait and hope that they call…or that you bump into them again.

Your newsletter ensures a 2nd interaction with shoppers (who sign up) and increases your chances of a future sale.


STEP 1 – Choose a (free) service

To legally send newsletters, you’ll need to use an email marketing service, such as MailChimp. There are many email marketing services out there and most offer a free account until you have a set number of subscribers (for example, Mailchimp offers a free account for up to 500 subscribers).

Research a few and choose one based on your newsletter goals.


STEP 2 – Understand newsletter laws

Where you’re operating your business and where your subscribers are will determine the laws you must follow. 

Google “newsletter laws for _______ (your country)” to find a list of rules you must follow.

For example, Canada has an anti-spam law (CASL) which requires someone to give consent (to receive emails from me), that I retain records of each consent, each message I send must include my information (such as name, mailing address, etc.), meet unsubscribe requirements, etc.

Understand how to properly collect email addresses and send messages so you’re compliant with your local laws.


STEP 3 – Define what subscribers get

Craft show shoppers will want to know what they’re signing up for before they give you their email address. There are a few things you should define:


Are they going to receive an email from you once a week? Once a month? Decide on a newsletter sending schedule and stick to it.


People also want to know what’s in it for them.

Consider your target market and their main interest. What would they be genuinely interested in reading about each week/month/quarter?

For example, if I’m selling vegan (i.e. beeswax-free) reusable food wraps, I’m targeting people who are interested in saving the bees and the environment. With that interest in mind, I may use my newsletter to share bee-saving and eco-friendly tips, along with product launches, contests, and sale updates. 

Incentive (optional)

To encourage more people to sign up for your newsletter, you may also want to provide an incentive. For example, people who subscribe at the event may:

    • be entered into a draw to win one of your products or a bundle of your products
    • receive a discount on their purchase
    • receive a free downloadable resource (e.g. I may send each subscriber a free checklist that shares 10 ways to reduce your carbon footprint)

You don’t need to offer an incentive, but it does tend to encourage more people to join. Just be sure you’re adding value through your newsletter, outside of the incentive, or you’ll get people signing up for the free gift, then quickly unsubscribing.

Define your newsletter’s purpose and clearly communicate it when asking shoppers to sign up (e.g. “Would you like to join my newsletter? You’ll be entered into a draw to win ____ and each week I send tips on simple ways to be more environmentally friendly”).

>> If you don’t think you’ll have enough to write about to start a newsletter, you’ll find 365+ ideas for what to email people here.


Step 4 – Decide how to collect email addresses

It’s best to use a tablet to gather email addresses at an event so you’re tracking consent information. If you don’t have a tablet, research your local laws to determine how to legally collect email addresses using a physical form. 

If you’re using pen and paper, you’ll likely need to send them an opt-in email after the event, to gather digital proof of consent.

>> Mailchimp has instructions for gathering emails offline and sending an opt-in.

Below are a few printable newsletter signup forms to use at a craft fair. It’s also handy to have a clipboard so people don’t have to clear a space on your table to write.


Click on an image to enlarge & print

Newsletter Signup Form 1

Newsletter signup form 2

Newsletter signup form 3

Newsletter signup form 4

Step 5 – Be consistent and offer value

You only need one subscriber to start sending newsletters. But if you gather email addresses and wait until you have hundreds of people on your list to send anything, or you randomly send emails every few months, you won’t get a return on investment.

Plan ahead so you know what you’ll send each week, month, or quarter (whatever you’ve decided on for newsletter frequency) and stick to that schedule. 

We all have more emails in our inbox than we’ll ever read, so make it a goal to be the newsletter your subscribers always open because it’s so valuable to them.

A subscriber isn’t going to buy a new product from you every week. So if you only send sales emails, your open rate will be lower and your unsubscribe rate will be higher. Be sure to send a mix of promotional and non-promotional emails to keep your subscribers on your list and opening your emails.

>> 13 Non-Promotional Emails to Send to your Newsletter List

>> 12 Types of Promotional Emails to Send to your Newsletter List


Have questions about starting your newsletter? Leave your question in the comments section.


How To Grow your Newsletter at a Craft Show (free printable forms)

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  1. Margaret E Broadwell says:

    Great articles. Just learned about you from another vendor. I design and craft ladies real gemstone jewelry. Would love to have more customers. Check out my site: Thank you.

  2. I also like to have a raffle for a small giveaway and use that to collect people’s emails for my newsletter! Works really well. I put a little sign on my table near the raffle jar that says that everyone who signs up for the raffle will be added to my newsletter subscriber list, and no one tends to mind. Love your newsletter sign up page, by the way! Adorable graphics 🙂

  3. Made Urban says:

    Thanks so much Michelle!

  4. Made Urban says:

    Thanks for reading Margaret! Glad you’ve found my articles helpful!

  5. Linda Rae says:

    Such good ideas. I will be using a newsletter sign-up
    at my next craft show.

    Thanks again.

  6. Made Urban says:

    Thanks Linda! Glad you found the article useful. Have a successful next craft show!

  7. Julie cruz says:

    I’m just starting out selling pottery. These are GREAT articles. I’m trying to find shows in my area that I can sell at. Any suggestions where I can start my research?

    Thanks so much

  8. Made Urban says:

    Hi Julie, thanks for reading! Which area are you looking to participate in shows? We do have an EVENTS page which lists craft shows and different events. Or if your city doesn’t have events listed on our site yet a Google search of “craft fairs in ______________ (your city)” may bring up some options.

  9. Maureen Englot says:

    Thankyou for sharing this great information with us. I sell Decorative painting on wood at the Craft Shows and I am finding a lot of these articles very helpful. I also downloaded your E-Book Make More Money at Craft Fairs. Excellent information. Keep up the good work.

  10. Made Urban says:

    Hi Maureen,

    Thanks so much for reading and for purchasing my ebook! I’m glad that you’re finding the information useful!


  11. Debbie Borthwick says:

    I am going in my first craft fair in December and my first pop-up market in November. I’ve decided it’s about time I made some money off my hobby, especially since I can’t use them all. I’m a retired grandmother and love having more time for my passion.
    I am finding your site extremely useful, and I’m on day 3 of your 5 day challenge. I find some of the points to me are common sense, like sitting behind your table reading a book while customers browse (people really do that??). Maybe it’s my retail past that says that’s a no no.
    Thank you, off to research, read & study some more.
    Debbie 🙂

  12. Some really good tips and advice here, thank you. I have recently set up my business and have 4 craft fairs arranged in the run up to Christmas!

  13. Made Urban says:

    Thanks Joanne, glad you enjoyed the article! Hope you have a really successful holiday craft fair season!!

  14. Thanks so much for sharing all your tips! I’ve recently restarted a business that I had a few years ago (doing all the things in the ‘you don’t want to do this category!) and your worksheets and articles have been super helpful! I have sold more since I restarted (about a month ago) by doing what you’ve suggested than I did in 3 years last time. I’m so excited!
    Andrea x

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