7 Ways Handmade Businesses Lose Money

7 Ways Handmade Businesses Lose Money (when trying to please customers)

At the beginning of every business I’ve started, I’ve bent over backward for my customers. There’s nothing wrong with caring about your customers and their happiness, however, it can’t be at the expense of your profits.  These are 7 things small handmade business owners often do, thinking they’re helping them make sales, but they can…

7 Ways to Make your Craft Business More Profitable

7 Ways to Make your Craft Business More Profitable

If you’ve started selling your crafts, it’s likely because you want to build a profitable business. Many makers realize, several months into running their business, they’re not profiting. Here are 7 ways you can squeeze more profits out of your craft business.   1 – Lower production costs To keep things simple, your craft business’s…