10 Ways to Avoid Losing Holiday Sales Due To Inflation

10 Ways to Avoid Losing Holiday Sales due to Inflation (2023)

People are feeling the effects of inflation. Many resources are predicting that inflation will impact how shoppers behave and buy this holiday season. Here are a few examples of these sources: source 1 , source 2, source 3. Whether you’re seeing your customers’ shopping habits change due to inflation or not, these tips will help…

3 Tips to Make Social Media Marketing Easier & More Effective

3 Tips to Make Social Media Marketing Easier & More Effective

Social media is most commonly used by small business owners to market their products, brand, and business. But it’s NOT the most effective form of marketing. It can be frustrating to deal with a platform’s algorithm updates and getting your posts to actually reach your followers. When you use these 3 tips and change your…