How to get into a Juried Craft Show

If you have a product that will sell well at craft shows, it’s time to start applying to events. Juried craft shows are preferred by handmade business owners because they tend to have more elements in place that ensure success.

One of the downsides of juried craft shows (over non-juried) is that each vendor must go through an application process. Which means, you may not be accepted.

Follow the tips in this article to improve your chances of getting accepted to every craft show you apply to.


1 – Make sure you’re a fit

The other tips in this article won’t matter if you’re applying to a craft show your products just aren’t fit for.

A high-end event is looking for vendors selling high-end handmade products (rather than someone dabbling in making a variety of crafts) while a quirky event will be looking for vendors selling out-of-the-ordinary products.

Make sure you understand the assignment before applying so you don’t waste your time and money.


2 – Show your Display

First and foremost, follow their directions; if they ask for 5 product photos, stick to product photos but if they ask for 5 photos of your choice, including a photo of your table or booth will let organizers know that you’re capable of creating an attractive display.

If the application form has a spot for links to your website or Facebook page and you don’t have room to include a display photo in the application, make sure they see some when they follow your link.

If you haven’t participated in a craft show yet or don’t have photos of your display, create a mock setup at home.

Move a small table or dresser to a blank wall in a bright room and start layering it with a tablecloth, risers, display props, and of course your products. Explain that you created this setup at home to give them a sample of what your display might look like.

If you need help creating a mock-up display at home to take photos of, or improving your display, check out:


3 – Get to know the craft show

Craft show applications are like an interview, and you wouldn’t walk into an interview without knowing something about the company. 

If you’re applying to a show that has occurred in the past, check out their Facebook page or website. Look for what type of vendors they typically accept and pay attention to the event’s branding, achievements, and anything you have in common.

Knowing more about an event will help you tailor your application and give organizers signs that you’re the right fit for the event. 


4 – Align with their brand

You never want to mislead an organizer into thinking you’re selling something you’re not but there’s nothing wrong with playing up a different side of your products or brand. 

Consider what type of brand or vibe the craft show has. Is it modern and sophisticated? Or maybe it’s more relaxed and quirky. Pay attention to the language they use on their website or in social media posts, as well as the event’s aesthetics. 

If their poster, photos, marketing, etc. are colourful and bold, share colourful products and edit your photos in a way that makes them look more colourful and bold.


5 – Make it easy for them

Read the instructions thoroughly and check your application for mistakes before sending it in. Here are a few things to keep in mind:

  • Attention to detail – If you require them to follow up with you because you didn’t attach the right kind of photos or they can’t find your website, you’re creating extra work for them. Pay attention to the details and instructions.
  • Research first – don’t email a busy organizer with questions that can easily be found on their website. 
  • Keep it simple – organizers don’t want to read paragraphs of text to find an answer to a simple question. Keep your answers short and to the point. 


6 – Share what you’ll bring to the table

Application forms are all about you, your business, and your products; it’s how the organizers determine whether you’re a fit or not.

But consider adding what you can do for them.

Do you have a popular blog on your site that you’d love to use to talk about the event? What about a huge following on Facebook? Or maybe the contests you run get a ton of interest, especially when you’re giving away tickets to an event.

If there are ways you go above and beyond to help make each event you participate in a success, share that with the organizers. It’s a team effort. 


7 – Show your enthusiasm

If you’ve visited the event as a shopper, have heard about the event, or are just genuinely excited to apply, be sure to share that. Craft show organizers want to put on a great event and they’re going to choose vendors they believe will be just as enthusiastic about the event as they are.


You may also be interested in:

How To Get into a Juried Craft Show (every time)

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One Comment

  1. I run an event, and nothing makes me cringe more than poor spelling, bad grammar, and “text speak.” Put in the effort- it shows us that you care and are a professional.

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