Were you under the impression that your business is too small to follow the laws?
Every business must follow laws, even small handmade businesses.
Regardless of whether your handmade business earns $100/year or $100,000, is operated out of a home or a rented studio, sells jewelry or soap…
Has laws to follow.
I know the laws aren’t always straightforward and can be overwhelming.
I also know this is probably something you’d prefer to ignore and hope it doesn’t catch up with you, but this is a quick to read, easy to follow guide that will give you a peace of mind today.
Don’t save this page to come back to later. Take two minutes to download the ebook now, get to work crossing items off the legal checklist (checklist is included) and finally get that monkey off your back.
I’ve written everything in an easy to understand language and given you simple to follow steps so you can start taking action now…without feeling overwhelmed.
The laws and steps are similar from country to country so this ebook applies to sellers in ALL countries and specifically provides links for:
- US
- Canada
- UK
- Australia
“Such a great resource! I’ve been running my business for a few years, and still found a few spots I need to pay attention to. I especially appreciate having the links to government and other relevant websites right in the book, as those can be super hard to find sometimes.” ~Monika

How to Start & Operate your Handmade Business Legally
This is a PDF download
The information contained in this ebook is given as general legal information, and does not consist of legal advice. The information herein is provided by non-lawyers without any legal representations; it is not an alternative to obtaining legal advice, and should not be treated as such. If you have specific questions regarding a legal matter, you are urged to contact an attorney or other professional legal service provider. Nothing contained in this ebook will act to limit our liability in any way.
It answers common questions such as:
- Do I have to register my business?
- Do I have to charge, collect and remit taxes when selling my products to customers in other countries?
- Can I sell products using Disney characters or team logos?
- Do I need a business license even if I’m operating out of my home or selling at craft shows?
- Do I have to follow soap/label/children’s product regulations if I’m a small business?
- Do I have to follow regulations in other countries if I’m shipping my products there?
If you didn’t complete the steps to legally set up your business when it first launched, I strongly suggest you do so now.
It only takes one:
- Inspector to visit the craft show you’re vending at to ask to see your proper permits and licenses
- Nosy neighbour to complain about the business activity going on in your home
- Competitor who’s annoyed you haven’t spent the same time and money as they did to set your business up properly
- Of Disney’s (or another business’) lawyers to notice your product with “Disney” in the title/description and file a complaint with Etsy
And you could be hit with some hefty fines, forced to stop selling items or worse, have your business shut down.
But it doesn’t have to be overwhelming to properly set up your business.
…And that’s why I wrote this ebook, in a simple, easy to understand language; skipping the fancy legal jargon.
It’s 43 pages plus 5 worksheets.
- Introduction
- Startup Costs
- Business Plan
- Business Structure
- Business Name
- Registration
- Licenses & Permits
- Regulations
- Insurance
- Contracts & Terms
- Conclusion
- Workbook: Business Startup Checklist & Spreadsheets

Printable checklist and spreadsheets to help you keep track of your businesses sales, inventory, legal tasks, etc.

How to Start & Operate your Handmade Business Legally
This is a PDF download
Which countries does this ebook apply to?
The information outlined in this ebook covers general steps that apply to almost any country. It was written based mainly on US and Canadian laws and provides links to specific resources for US, Canada, UK and Australia for each step of starting a business.
Are you a lawyer?
No. I am not a lawyer and the disclaimer in my ebook states that I am in no way providing legal advice. I’m a business owner who has started several businesses (and several types of businesses) and gained a basic understanding of how to properly set one up.
I’m selling a unique product/running a unique business; will this information apply to me?
Most likely. Almost every business must take the same basic steps to set up and operate legally. Although this ebook doesn’t get into the nitty gritty details of the laws for each specific type of business and product or for every state/province and country, it provides the general steps your business must likely follow and provides information on what to research for your specific business, business activities, products, jurisdiction, etc.
Do you offer a printed version?
I do not have a printed version; I only have a digital version available. I understand the appeal of a printed version over a digital copy, however, as an independent author, the cost to print a short run of books and ship them would raise the price significantly.
Although, I know, it’s not the same as a professionally printed and bound book, many of my customers have printed my ebooks at home, or have had them printed at an OfficeMax/Office Depot/Staples/etc.
*Please note: due to the ebook’s copyright, some printing services will require a note from the author granting permission to print a personal copy. Please contact me if you plan to have one of my ebooks printed and I can provide you with written permission.
Do you offer refunds?
Because my ebooks are digital copies that are instantly delivered to your email’s inbox, I do not offer refunds.
If you have any questions about an ebook and whether it’s right for you, please feel free to contact me with any questions and I’d be happy to answer them!
This ebook is presented to you for informational purposes only and is not a substitution for any professional advice. Although we strive to provide accurate general information, the information presented here is not a substitute for any kind of professional advice or free from any errors, and you should not rely solely on this information. Always consult a professional in the area for your particular needs and circumstances prior to making any professional, business, legal, and financial or tax-related decisions. The author of the ebook is not a lawyer and we are not engaged in the practice of rendering legal or other professional advice. This ebook is also not a substitute for the advice of an attorney. If you require legal or other expert advice, you should seek the services of a competent attorney or other professional.

I’m Erin, founder and one of the creative minds behind I’ve been in the crafting industry over a decade now, with 2005 being the year of my very first craft fair. I started as the poster child for “craft fair don’ts” and grew into a successful handmade business owner selling full time through craft fairs, online and wholesale accounts. That small business led me to my current dream career of helping others with their creative businesses and working for the cuddliest boss in the world… my cat Josh.
As a Visual Communications Design graduate, past Regional Visual Merchandiser, former craft show vendor, current crafty website owner and forever and always a handmade hoarder, I’ve learned a few tricks along the way. From methods taught in the classroom to techniques used by major retailers to bring in the big bucks, I’ve tested them all to see what works and what doesn’t.
I want nothing more than to see your small business succeed and to share every bit of information I can to help you along the way. I hope you love reading my advice as much as I love sharing it. Check out the blog if this is your first time visiting Made Urban. Read a few articles to be sure you like my style of writing and find my advice valuable. Over 10,000 people have joined my Seller Newsletter and my articles are read by thousands each day, so I’m confident you’ll find value in my articles or ebooks too.
If you have any questions about the ebook, my articles, Made Urban or cats, I’d be happy to answer them!