What to Put in an Etsy Shop Announcement (Examples)
Does the announcement section in your Etsy shop really matter? Yes, it does. It’s some of the first text Etsy shoppers will read when they get to your online shop and helps shape your first impression on them. It comes before your listings, shop sections, about, and policies. So you don’t want…
How To Uncover Buyer Intent for Handmade Products
When I started my handbag business, I chose material based on what stood out to me at the fabric store and created bag patterns based on what I liked or what I thought would be unique. I did sell most of those handbags, but I wasn’t making the kind of sales I wanted, or…
How To Make A Living Selling Crafts (Quickly)
More people are starting craft businesses to have better control of their income. But before you invest a bunch of time and money, or take the leap and quit your job, you want to know if it’s actually possible to make a living at it. To make a living selling crafts you’ll need to:…
How To Turn Browsing Shoppers into Buyers
We’ve all been browsing before. We didn’t have anything in mind to buy but tagged along with friends to the mall, or popped into a store that looked interesting, or decided to check out a craft show. Think about the last time you were in a shopping setting and were just browsing but ended…
Every Craft Business Needs One Of These
There’s an image on Pinterest that catches my eye every time I see it. I’ve probably seen it close to a hundred times. It’s a picture of a craft show table displaying greeting cards. The photo only captures a corner of the table, but you can tell it’s a clean, cohesive display. Today…
Best Things To Sell At Festivals
Festivals are great places to sell products or services and make money. They’re a unique shopping environment and each festival will attract a different type of shopper, so you need to put some thought into which products will sell best for each event. This article will share product ideas, as well as general product…
Craft Trends for 2021 (To Make & Sell)
Each year I write about the craft trends to help you brainstorm new product ideas for selling on Etsy or at craft shows. >> UPDATE: You can find 2022’s trend list here. I use a variety of tools to collect data on what people are searching for and/or buying online. I also research…
What’s a Fair Consignment Percentage? (How To Negotiate an Increase)
If you’re considering selling your handmade items through retailers, you may be considering consignment shops and wondering what a fair consignment percentage is. This article will cover what’s considered “fair”, why a percentage is fair, and answer some common consignment questions. What Percentage Do Consignment Shops Take? Consignment shops typically take a 40% commission,…
What to Put on a Craft Business Card
There’s so much we want people to know and understand about our businesses. But sharing all the information at once makes it overwhelming for potential customers. So how do you determine what to include when it comes to marketing material such as business cards? Which information is important to share and where? What’s going…
The Most Profitable Crafts to Sell (in 2024)
Some crafts are more profitable to make and sell due to their lower production costs. A bar of soap can be made for pennies, if materials are purchased in bulk and at wholesale prices and soap is made in bulk. Which will give each bar of soap higher profit margins. How profitable a craft is…
What Sells Best at a Craft Show? (2024)
When it comes to craft shows, there aren’t a lot of sales stats to work with. Each craft show also attracts different vendors and shoppers, which can have a big impact on what sells best. I have a lot of experience selling at craft shows. I also love to watch people and analyze their shopping…
How To Celebrate National Mom and Pop Business Owners Day
National Mom and Pop Business Owners Day is celebrated on March 29th. The holiday was founded by Rick and Margie Segal, as a way to honour their parents who started a hat shop in 1939 and grew it into a multi-million dollar clothing shop It’s important to have a day to recognize small businesses, but…
Do I Need a Business License to Sell Handmade Items?
Disclaimer: I’m not a lawyer by profession and nothing in this article should be construed as legal advice. Although I strive to provide accurate general information, the information presented here is not a substitute for any kind of professional advice or free from errors, and you should not rely solely on this information. Always consult a…
The Right Way to Price a Handmade Product (Step-by-Step Formula)
Pricing handmade items is a subject that puts panic into many handmade business owners. They’ve heard their prices are too low, go looking for a pricing formula, plug their numbers in, and then freak out when they realize what their prices should be. What you should be pricing your products at depends on so many…
Disadvantages of Selling Handmade Products
If you’re thinking about starting a craft business, you may be wondering what type of disadvantages come along with selling handmade products. This article will give you an idea of the pros and cons of handmade products. The main disadvantages of selling handmade products are that you have much higher production costs than similar products…
Selling Handmade Consignment vs. Wholesale (Which is Better?)
Once you have your craft business up and running and have worked out your pricing, you may start looking at different sales channels to sell your product through and wondering what the difference is between selling handmade on consignment versus selling handmade wholesale. This article will explain the pros and cons of each and when…
How Much Inventory To Bring to a Craft Show (Simple Formulas)
Once you learn about craft show bestsellers and determine what you’re going to sell, then you much figure out how much of it you need. Selling at craft shows and determining how much inventory to bring is always a bit of a guessing game. You don’t know if you’ve picked a great event that will…
What is a Juried Craft Show? (& Why They’re Better)
If you’re starting to sell your handmade crafts on the craft show circuit, you may have heard the term “juried craft show” and are wondering; what’s the difference between a juried craft show and a non-juried craft show and which is better? This article is going to cover the topic of juried craft shows,…
Etsy SEO: 3 Easy Steps to Boost Traffic (2024)
SEO is one of the most overlooked strategies among online sellers. Put the time and effort into Etsy SEO and it can drastically increase how many shoppers see your listings. You’re not guaranteed sales, even if you implement the best Etsy SEO tactics, but SEO will put eyes on your listings (your photos,…
Where to Sell Handmade Jewelry
This post may contain affiliate links, which means I’ll receive a commission if you purchase through my link, at no extra cost to you. Please read the full disclosure here. Starting a jewelry business can be a profitable venture, but you need to find the right places to sell your handmade jewelry. The best place to sell…