Craft Trends to Ditch 2022

Craft Trends to Ditch in 2022

Each year, I create a craft trends list (here’s 2022’s craft trend list). Some trends only last a few months, while others can last for years. So I like to look back and use a few handy tools to determine if people are still searching for and buying the crafts on last year’s trend list….
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Handmade Jewelry Trends 2022

Handmade Jewelry Trends (2022)

Each year I create a list of craft trends handmade business owners can make and sell. Since a handmade jewelry business is such a great business to start, and jewelry is such a popular category, I also compile a list of jewelry trends.   Check out 2022’s jewelry trends that can be applied to a…
Read More Handmade Jewelry Trends (2022)