The Success Planner for your Handmade Business
This planner is different than most planners out there.
It’s not just a calendar you’re left to fill in on your own.
It comes with an ebook that simplifies the basics of business and the numbers a business must understand and plan around.
I’m not a fan of math, or big fancy terms and definitions that are difficult to wrap my head around.
But every business owner needs to understand the basics of business and pay attention to their business’s numbers.
You don’t need to track of how many followers you have on Instagram, but you absolutely need to know the ROI (return on investment) Instagram gives you.
In THE SUCCESS PLANNER, I’ll simplify the numbers you must track, as well as things like ROI, so you feel like a confident business owner making decisions based on numbers, not hunches.
I hate starting my day not knowing what I should work on. I also hate finishing a day not knowing if what I did is going to help me make money.
When you follow THE SUCCESS PLANNER’s step-by-step, easy to follow plan, and fill in your (included) day planner and worksheets by following that plan, you fill your days with work that you know will lead you to more money.
*NEW VERSION: *Undated* Planner & Worksheets

Purchase the Ebook & Undated Worksheets
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This is a PDF download

This is a PDF download
“I have tried many other paper and electronic planners, and their functionality was always limited by something. I think in many instances substance took a back seat to style. I’ve seen so many amazingly beautiful planners with fancy fonts that looked lovely on my desk. But they lacked the functionality that I needed. Sometimes the fonts themselves would get in the way. In the end, I ended up not using them more than like a couple of months.
Your planner is not only functional, but beautiful. It has a very clean, classy feel to it, without pulling the user away from the reason they’re really using it.”
Linda (Destiny Darlings Mystical Maidens)
“I bought mine last night and I’m so excited!!! I stayed up too late reading it, but I couldn’t put it down. You did an amazing job putting that together! I was so impressed with how you presented all the calculations in such an easy to understand way! I also love how you organized everything! It would have taken me forever to try to do this on my own! You helped me realize the importance of getting this on paper as well.”
Corinna (Sunshine and Moonbeam Boutique)
How much are your business’s profits for the last 12 months?
Not revenue. Profits.
If you don’t know the answer to that question (or the difference between revenue and profits), this planner is going to be extremely helpful to you.
Even if you do know how much your profits were, but you’re not quite sure how to increase them, this is the planner for you.
You don’t need more noise; you need the basics.
This planner uses a simple, repeatable, 5-step system that puts everything in place for your business to follow the success formula and reach your goals this year.
Obviously, there are more details behind the steps, which I explain the ebook accompanying the planner. But here’s my theory behind each step:
There’s no need to spend hours reviewing every detail of your business; there are three key areas that should be reviewed at the end of each month and year to ensure:
- You’re spending time and money in the right places
- You know where the holes in your system are
- You’re building a profitable business
You have to know where you want to end up before you start moving (unless you’re looking for an adventure, in which case, wander away!).
And if you want to end up someplace new and reach a goal you’ve never reached, you’ve got to do things you’ve never done.
You can’t repeat what you did last year and expect new results…or even the same results. Planning involves not only setting achievable goals but thinking about what you’re going to change to reach them.
There really are a million and one things you could do as a business owner, but randomly adding tasks to your to-do list is like throwing darts in the dark; how do you know if you’re working on the right things that will result in sales?
There will always be more to do than there is time to do it, so you must strategically organize your to-do’s to ensure the work that goes on your schedule is purposeful (I’ll help you determine what that is)
You also must create balance. A handmade business requires the extra workload of creating all the products you sell. But you cannot let creating take over while important tasks that sell those creations are ignored.
I hate ending a day feeling like I was unproductive or didn’t accomplish what I needed to…or worse yet, not even knowing what I needed to accomplish and feeling like I worked for the sake of working.
If you build your schedule from the organized tasks that stem from a bigger revenue-producing project, you’ll have a simple and valuable to-do list that you know is leading you towards sales.
Tracking numbers can become a bit of a ham story.
(The ham story is: someone asks their mom why she cuts the ends of the ham before putting it in the oven. Mom says because her mom did it, who did it because her mom did it, and great-grandma finally explains that she did it so the ham would fit in her small roasting pan. Generations had been wasting perfectly good ham simply because they were blindly following someone else’s actions.)
I don’t want you to be wasting perfectly good time on meaningless tasks. Excessive tracking tends to be one of them.
Someone likely offered a free worksheet to track how many followers each social media account has and now everyone thinks they should be tracking followers. But in most cases, tracking social media followers, along with many other stats, is a waste of time.
There are 3 stats that must be tracked each month to properly review your business and make decisions that increase profits. I’ll cover what those 3 stats are in THE SUCCESS PLANNER.
I’ve created a planner to help you organize your business and achieve your goals this year.
It includes an ebook to help explain the steps you must follow to achieve the success formula (money in is greater than money out).
It also includes worksheets to help you implement the steps and plan your schedule.
Details and screenshots of some of the worksheets can be found below.
- EBOOK – to explain my 5-step system and how to use each worksheet.
- YEARLY REVIEW & PLAN – worksheets to help you review last year and plan the upcoming year with projects that will help you reach your goal.
- SPREADSHEETS – worksheets to help you track the numbers EVERY business owner should know.
- DAY PLANNER – monthly and weekly calendars to schedule tasks, as well as worksheets to review and plan each month.
I’ve created this planner to help make this year your most successful year yet.
I do hope you have a successful year in all areas of your life, but this planner is focused on your business. It doesn’t have sections to track how many glasses of water you drink per day, plan your exercise routines, or figure out where you’ll go for date night.
I’m getting right down to business.
No meaningless exercises or answering questions about where you see yourself in five years or “if you could do anything in the world, what would it be?”
I imagine you’d just like to start with a smooth operating business that supplies you with consistent sales, and then see where things take you.
Let’s make this the year that happens.
This planner is to help organize an existing business. It’s not a guide for starting a business, advice on how to create profitable products, or a list of all the ways you can market and sell your products. To use it, you should have the basics in place:
>> A legally operating business
>> A marketable product (i.e. people outside of friends and family have purchased your product and you know it’s something consumers are interested in buying)
If you need help with those two things, my other ebooks will be valuable to you. Specifically:
There are 4 PDF’s included with your purchase:
1 – Ebook
2 – Yearly Review & Plan
3 – Spreadsheets
4 – Day Planner
This is an ebook and planner in one. I’m not simply giving you blank pages to fill in and figure out your year on your own. I’m teaching you the steps involved in organizing your business.
EBOOK (62 pages)

The ebook thoroughly explains each step and worksheet. It walks you through how to fill in each page of your planner and when to fill it in. It’s important to read and understand this ebook before you jump into using the planner.
A few examples of worksheets found in the YEARLY REVIEW & PLAN PDF (*Not actual size of pages; worksheets are to be printed on 8.5″ x 11″ paper)

The following worksheets are included in the YEARLY REVIEW & PLAN PDF:
- Yearly Review
- Yearly Plan
- Braindump
- Low-Value Tasks
- Repeating Tasks
- Quarters
- Project
- Project Tasks
The following worksheets are included in the SPREADSHEETS PDF:
- Return on Investment
- Conversion Rates
- Expense Tracker
- Sales Tracker
- Stat Tracker
- Notes
The following worksheets are included in the DAY PLANNER PDF:
- Blank Year Calendar
- Monthly Review Worksheets
- Monthly Plan Worksheets
- Monthly Tasks Checklists
- Undated Monthly Calendars
- Undated Weekday Calendars
- Notes
Do you offer this planner in print?
I’ve looked into a printed version and it would significantly raise the price of the planner, so at this time, I’ve decided to only offer the digital version, which can be printed by you (or a printing service of your choice).
But the great part about the digital version is; you get it at a great price and can download it right now to start planning your most successful year today!
How do I print my planner?
You can print this planner at home or take it to a printing service. The COPYRIGHT & DISCLAIMER notice at the beginning of the PDF gives you permission to print the document for personal use.
The planner was created to be printed in full, on both sides of a sheet of paper and hole-punched.
Can I use this planner to keep track of personal tasks?
I mean…you can squeeze them in, but this planner is focused on making your business successful. When you’re working on it, I want you to be focused. No multi-tasking!
The payment form won’t work for me, what should I do?
Outdated browsers and browser extensions can cause glitches with the payment form. If it’s not working for you, please try opening the payment form using a different browser (e.g. if you’re currently using Internet Explorer, try Firefox or Chrome), or, update your current browser and try again. If that still doesn’t work, please email me and I’ll troubleshoot with you.
I purchased the planner, where is it?
Once your payment successfully goes through, you’ll receive two emails from Made Urban: one is your receipt and one contains a link to download your PDFs. Please check your spam folder if you don’t see those emails and then email me if you still don’t see them.
The leading cause of undelivered invoices is a typo in email addresses, but I can get that fixed!
Do you offer refunds?
Because my ebooks are digital copies that are instantly delivered to your email’s inbox, I do not offer refunds.
If you have any questions about an ebook and whether it’s right for you, please feel free to contact me with any questions and I’d be happy to answer them!
This ebook is presented to you for informational purposes only and is not a substitution for any professional advice. Although I strive to provide accurate general information, the information presented here is not a substitute for any kind of professional advice or free from any errors, and you should not rely solely on this information. Always consult a professional in the area for your particular needs and circumstances prior to making any professional, business, legal, and financial or tax-related decisions.

I’m Erin, founder and one of the creative minds behind I’ve been in the crafting industry over a decade now, with 2005 being the year of my very first craft fair. I started as the poster child for “craft fair don’ts” and grew into a successful handmade business owner selling full time through craft fairs, online and wholesale accounts. That small business led me to my current dream career of helping others with their creative businesses and working for the cuddliest boss in the world… my cat Josh.
As a Visual Communications Design graduate, past Regional Visual Merchandiser, former craft show vendor, current crafty website owner and forever and always a handmade hoarder, I’ve learned a few tricks along the way. From methods taught in the classroom to techniques used by major retailers to bring in the big bucks, I’ve tested them all to see what works and what doesn’t.
I want nothing more than to see your small business succeed and to share every bit of information I can to help you along the way. I hope you love reading my advice as much as I love sharing it. Check out the blog if this is your first time visiting Made Urban. Read a few articles to be sure you like my style of writing and find my advice valuable. Over 10,000 people have joined my Seller Newsletter and my articles are read by thousands each day, so I’m confident you’ll find value in my articles or ebooks too.
If you have any questions about the ebook, my articles, Made Urban, or cats, I’d be happy to answer them!